Get Involved
New Malden Town Centre Partnership warmly encourages everyone to play their part in the work we are doing. We love to chat about the plans we are working on and hear your thoughts and ideas too. There are many opportunities on offer and we are open to exploring ways in which we can work together.

Organising an Event
Jubilee Square in Cocks Crescent New Malden is available to people who would like to run their own events. Currently we are planning on running exercise classes, music and dance events. Some ideas we would like to implement are, a day focused on health, a vegan market, a regular food stall, harvest festival, remembrance Sunday and many more. So please get in touch and let us know what you would like to do.

Volunteering with us is a great way to make improvements to your local area and your lifestyle by being active and making new friends. We have many different opportunities: regular gardening and litter picking events, social media support, admin, festival/ event participation and project planning to name just a few. If you are not sure how we might use your skills and knowledge, just give us a call and we can explore the options with you.